Centre Environmental Association (CEA) is a student-led organization committed to promoting, 发展中, and maintaining environmental sustainability in the Centre community through education, 激进主义, 制度变革.


中央学院致力于可持续发展, environmentally friendly practices and energy conservation.


Acknowledging Centre College’s Statement of Purpose “to prepare students for lives of learning, 领导, 和服务,” the College is committed to environmental sustainability.

We recognize the fragility of our planet and therefore our responsibility to account for the wasteful consumption and effects of human behavior that compromise the environment for all living things, 并对经济产生负面影响, 健康, 以及人类生活的整体质量. We seek climate neutrality through appropriate behavior and decisions and are determined to actively fulfill our responsibility as a signee of the American College & 大学校长气候承诺. The College shall seek new ways to capitalize on the intelligence, 我们社区的智慧和创造力, 在必要的时候, 寻求外界的帮助和资源. 为了实现这些目标, the College will continue to prepare our faculty, 工作人员, 让学生成为世界公民, promoting responsibility and awareness through education and practice at Centre and beyond.


From student organizations to the President’s Climate Commitment Advisory Committee (PCCAC), members of the Centre community are united in their desire to reduce their environmental footprint.

Allows students and faculty to purchase carbon offsets, contributing money toward carbon-reducing initiatives that counterbalance emissions that cannot be reduced or avoided (such as those generated via plane rides to study-abroad locations). Students studying abroad are asked to contribute varying amounts based on the air miles they travel. 

  • All cooling systems on campus have been replaced by low-energy systems
  • 75% of windows on campus are dual pane, increasing annually, reducing heating and cooling waste
  • All chillers use CFC-free refrigerants and fountains are winterized with biodegradable antifreeze
  • 扩大电动汽车和高尔夫球车的使用

bwin体育目前使用Circon, 先进的能源管理系统, in 90% of all campus facilities to allow technicians to read and control the temperature in any building, 以及制定减少能源使用的时间表.

In 2007, 在学生发起的投票中, 82% of the student population voted for the adoption of a 绿色基金, which requires each Centre student to pay a $20 surcharge on tuition that goes toward purchasing renewable energy credits from the local 母亲安·李 Hydroelectric Station. Centre was the first educational institution in Kentucky to support the local production of green energy.

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is a rating system devised by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) to evaluate the environmental performance of a building and encourage market transformation towards sustainable design. Centre is the only college in Kentucky to have four LEED-certified buildings including two at the Gold level.

的一个. 尤金·布罗克曼

All light fixtures that are replaced are replaced with LED fixtures. Many additions and renovations incorporate both motion occupancy sensors and LED lighting. LED lighting use only 14 watts to produce the same lumens as a 150-watt bulb and last up to 20 years.

The local 母亲安·李 Hydroelectric Station is a 2,040 kwh run-of-river hydropower plant located at Lock and Dam 7 on the Kentucky River in Shakertown, Ky.距离bwin体育校园只有几英里. The project is one of only a few dozen hydropower plants nationally to have received “Low Impact” certification from the Low Impact Hydro Institute. Centre buys 370 blocks of renewable energy credits (RECs) per month, offsets that represent approximately 30 percent of the College’s anticipated use. 参观 水电站网站 for more information about its origins and current initiatives.

The College's 回收 Coordinator organizes campus recycling pick-up and promotional activities. 铝可以回收利用, 纸板, 纸, 钢罐, 玻璃, 以及1号和2号瓶颈塑料.

A student led, sixty-panel photovoltaic array has a total rated capacity of 19.8千瓦,年发电量24000千瓦时.

  • 重复使用的外卖容器
  • 水瓶加气站
  • Low-flow toilets used when replacements are needed
  • Mineral spirits, used to clean paintbrushes, reused through a basic filtering process

Check out 树绘图仪 and explore the extensive detail and variety of trees on Centre's campus.



American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment (ACUPCC)

The institution is committed to reporting its carbon emissions levels annually and to achieving zero emissions by the year 2040. An ad hoc advisory committee is appointed each year by President Moreland to advance the College’s pursuit of climate neutrality, coordinate Centre’s participation in the ACUPCC and advise the President on matters relating to sustainability and environmental concerns. 所有会议都对访客开放.


The Centre Environmental Association (CEA) is a student-led organization committed to promoting, 发展中, and maintaining environmental sustainability in the Centre community through education, 激进主义, 制度变革. 欢迎所有人.